Friday, October 15, 2004

Remembering and Forgetting

Just been in the University of the Philippines. The so called, "UP naming Mahal!" I came back to consult my former intstructor regarding this new product I am handling. Unfortunately, he was not around. So I asked other professors and doctors in Physics and Engineering. I walked the same halls... waited the same doors, just like the good 'ol college days. I did the same waiting... for hours... again to be dismissed and pointed to someone else... and spend more pointless hours. The burden that we must take in a government funded institution.

Yes, the hours spent was useless. Answers to my questions is to be found somwhere else. And just like before... I have to leave this University, forget all about it and MOVE ON!


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Gladys Judan said...

As an almuna of the same institution, I would say that I share the same sentiments.. most of the time. I also came back to look for someone who can help with a similar product that I'm handling a few weeks back. Unfortunately, UP is also run the same way by people who also lead our government (hence, its being a public university): through bureacuracy.

Perhaps, there are some things in UP that are meant to stay as they are: mere memories of carefree college days. For behind the facade of "educational freedom" still lies the sad truth that in reality, connections within the system is the most effective and fastest way to get the information we need. In our line of business, perhaps it's best to remain resourceful and look for said data somewhere else.

In the meantime, maybe when we look back and visit good 'ol UP, we can smile and say: "thanks, but no thanks." Our life here was good, but it's indeed time to move on... to greener pastures, and hopefully, more pleasurable ones Ü

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Dennis D. Balajadia said...

That's life. It would be a complete waste of time to wait for people or in this case institutions before we MOVE ON.

As the cliche says... If you are not moving towards your goal, you are moving away from it. Nothing in between.


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