Saturday, January 29, 2005


"Know your advantage and make use of it. Identify your weaknesses, and then strengthen it ...thru partners!"

Partnership is like extending help. Its an asset. Yes! It should benefit the company, but it should benefit them too! But what can I offer them more than just better margins?

We are already aware that Money is an Object! Vital in the business. But sustaining the alliance formed, there should be a different kind of relationship involved. Espescially, with the intimate nature that BLISS have, the relationship should be a personal one -- a friendly one, at the least.

I was amazed on how doing business is a lot easier with this kind of relationship. Even with your other prospects, they would help you out! I'm flattered to be called as her "baby sibling" and have a great laugh with my friends saying that "she can be my girlfriend!"


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