Monday, January 31, 2005

Who's your target market?

"Who is your target market?" this question is kind of a silly for me, but it is important in defining your bread and butter; the life of your business. I find it silly because most people have the habit of answering this using their checklist on demographics.

I have nothing against demographics, but I feel its not a big help for managers. Yes it does identify them, but what I believe that is more important is WHERE can we locate them! Yes, where can you find this defined individuals or what we call "target market?"

Instead of looking for yuppies in the A and B classes, why don't you look for credit card holders? They have the capacity to buy with at least 10k a month of salary. Makes sense, NO!?

It would be a lot easier to identify your customers, when you

"identify with them..which means understanding why people do what they do." --- Sergio Zyman

Know how they think and act. And you'll only learn this when you're a people person. You don't have to be the life of the party. All you need is the skills to listen and hear what they really wanted to say... then they'll lead you where and why they buy your product. Now, thats where your market is!


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