Monday, January 31, 2005


One of the things I would really love to experience is fishing. And I didn't expect that there's a lot of preparation for this, besides your usual gear and rod.

Fishing is not just planting your bait into the water... and then waiting for the fish to take a bite. If your lucky, you'll get one. But I'm pretty sure not the one you expected.

Iwas informed to spend time in researching about fishes. What kind of fish would i like to be my trophy. And then eliminating what body of water they live in [fresh or slat water]. And then more digging if which bodies of water are they available...

Yup ther's a lot to eliminate. But this would make your venture, even if its my first venture, more fruitful.

Coem to think of it, its the same process with my work. Well, you won't get wrong with this. Now you can GO FISH!


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