Monday, May 30, 2005

Why say Safer Sex?

"We say safer sex rather than safe sex because sex can't be guaranteed 100% safe. The best way to have safe sex is to be in a monogamous relationship (only one partner) where neither of you has sex outside that relationship and where you are both free of any STIs. Some people say the only form of safer sex is to abstain totally (not have sex at all) but most people would see this as being unrealistic." -----

I wrote this to inform the uninformed:

Unsafe sex "may or would" lead to transfer of infections and unwanted pregnancy.

Better practice safer sex! .... you'd say it's not as good with a condom!? Remember what BLISS Personal Lubricant can do for you.

Unless you're ready to be a daddy/mommy, better say "No sex without it (condom)!"


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