Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Yup! That’s how my plane looked like from the outside. The ride was and and really appreciated Mara for booking me along the aisle…I really hated fighting for the arm rest with someone whom you don’t know. Fortunately for me, I don’t have anybody sitting next to me. I had my social space, appreciating my ride in THAI Airways. I never had the chance of taking pictures of the stewardess, I was just disappointed for having high expectations. Yes, they were all sexy but told enough to be my auntie. It’s a good thing there are a few young ones around 3 of the 10 stewardess inside the plane. I just wished at least one of them was situated near my area…that would have been nice! Anyway, I have nothing against aging stewardess. Its just that plane rides can be translated as adjectives of adventure, excitement, and fun! These words doesn’t match the old ones…well maybe if they give a huge smile more often I wouldn’t have thought of this. I think that’s it, they should at the very least extend a huge smile to their customers…a custom of theirs which I never saw while riding the plane.I am here at Patong Beach at Phuket, Thailand. Searching and starting a journey which I dont have any clue where it would lead me. Posted by Picasa