Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lubing-Up the Swim Team

MOTILITY - limiting the movement of sperm cells, thus, when it does not reach the egg cell, they die.

One major concern of lubricant users, who wanted to conceive children.

Studies show that those people concerned with this are those undergoing infertility investigations. They are those who usually experiences sexual dysfunction, and needs vaginal lubrication.

But the same study also confirms that this would not prevent pregnancy. It does not have spermicidal that totally kills sperms. A strong sperm cell can still reach the egg cell an be unified to give life.

Therefore, its more of the male's sperm cells that really counts. My prescription would be (1) A healthy man with a healthy load can do the trick, (2) Doggystyle position making the distance travelled by his team shorter, and (3) stronger ejaculation for added momentum!!!!

So, make him practice!

Study was conducted on This is a big possibility, but still needs confirmation from studies


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