Friday, June 10, 2005

Prevent Unwantd Pregnancies

I was browsing old issues of Time Magazine and encountered these data

30% of Filipino couples unaware that babies result from having sex, according to a study by the Philippine government.
2.35% Net population growth in the Philippines, among the highest in the world, with 4,000 babies born every day. Source: Time Magazine (3/14/05)

Population control is a must. But the solution offered from foreign countries is not greatly accepted. Stores offering contraceptives are being banned for closure. How do these people would solve the problem at hand? Even sex education is prevented as part of the schools curriculum.

You can’t take away sex from people. It’s homo-sapiens nature to fornicate. I say, use a contraceptive if you must! Exult yourself for Bliss… won’t take the pleasure away from you even while wearing a condom.

This could be the very least thing we could contribute in managing the country’s population.


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