Monday, August 29, 2005

Lubricant 101

A lot of people are not aware that there are different kinds of lubricants. Let me share to you my expertise on the matter. Lubricants are differentiated by its base component. They are

SILICONE BASED lubricants contain various blends of silicone fluids. They are completely water-proof,making them ideal for underwater use; pools and hot tubs for example. Silicone-based lubes also retain their lubricating properties far better and much longer than water-based lubricants. Most silicone-based lubes are highly concentrated, so a little goes quite a long way. Silicone-based lubes can damage sexual toys that are made from from silicone polymers.

PETROLEUM BASED lubricants are made from petroleum jelly, mineral oil or straight petrolatum. Petroleum-based lubes destroy latex - practically on contact - and should therefore should never be used with latex condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps. These can also stain fabric and can be quite difficult difficult to remove from anything they come in contact with. These lubes also tend to irritate the vagina , and are therefore not really the best options for women that want to experience enjoyable vaginal penetration. Petroleum-based lubes are best left strictly for male masturbation and anal play.

OIL BASED lubricants typically contain natural products; vegetable oils, nut oils and/or butters. Oil-based lubes can also stain fabrics and be quite difficult to wash off. They are typically safe for use within the vagina, but oil-based lubes are destructive to latex. So, like petroleum-based lubricants, oil-based lubricants should never be used with latex condoms, diaphragms or cervical caps. Oil-based lubricants should also be confined to anal sex or male/female masturbation.

WATER BASED lubricants typically contain deionized water, glycerin, propylene glycol and other nontoxic preservatives. ste slightly sweet, and is therefore easily recognizable. Water-based lubricants usually do not stain, are safe for use with latex and all other barrier birth control methods, and rarely cause irritation. While most water-based lubes eventually dry out during extended sex, they are often quickly revived with a bit of water. Because of their versatility and effectiveness, water-based lubes are the form of lube recommended most often by doctors and sex therapists.

Choose whats best for your occasion!!!

I would recommend a water-based lubricant for the first timers. Try Bliss Personal Lubricant. It's BFAD approved, water-based, and even edible!


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