Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Yup! That’s how my plane looked like from the outside. The ride was and and really appreciated Mara for booking me along the aisle…I really hated fighting for the arm rest with someone whom you don’t know. Fortunately for me, I don’t have anybody sitting next to me. I had my social space, appreciating my ride in THAI Airways. I never had the chance of taking pictures of the stewardess, I was just disappointed for having high expectations. Yes, they were all sexy but told enough to be my auntie. It’s a good thing there are a few young ones around 3 of the 10 stewardess inside the plane. I just wished at least one of them was situated near my area…that would have been nice! Anyway, I have nothing against aging stewardess. Its just that plane rides can be translated as adjectives of adventure, excitement, and fun! These words doesn’t match the old ones…well maybe if they give a huge smile more often I wouldn’t have thought of this. I think that’s it, they should at the very least extend a huge smile to their customers…a custom of theirs which I never saw while riding the plane.I am here at Patong Beach at Phuket, Thailand. Searching and starting a journey which I dont have any clue where it would lead me. Posted by Picasa


At 2:35 AM, Blogger alex said...

He met a lady at a dancing lesson whom he wished to conquer; he pressed her to him so closely cialis that she once cried out.. But it was an engagement that the Colonel--as devoted to the fair sex as he was to adderall the code--was no less prompt in accepting.. Should you think , she asked me, that a man would climb the Matterhorn the very first year he was married? I don't know, my dear, I answered, evasively; this isn't the first year I have been married, not by a good evista many, and I wouldn't climb it--for a farm.. But do ye know them? Why, certainly not, ibuprofen I replied.. Again the name acted as a spur on Ross. lyrica. Let us recapitulate by saying that we call such a stream of thought a foreconscious one, that we believe it to be perfectly correct, and that it may just as well be a more prozac neglected one or an interrupted and suppressed one.. Podington walked back toward the town. cialis. Help him, Rossie, prompted Aunt Missouri, lunesta sharply.. * * * * * When I went upstairs that evening, I found my wife putting her bextra hair to bed--I don't know how I can better describe an operation familiar to every married man.. Don' yo' tu'n yo' weeked li'l' eyes zantac on Gideon.. In the yard, after the train pulled out, he saw his private car under a glaring arc light, codeine and grinned to see it left behind.. The regard for appearance thyroid remains, on the other hand, peculiar to the dream work.. Through the dream-work the dream process now gains either sufficient intensity to attract consciousness to itself and arouse the foreconscious, which is quite independent of the time or profundity of sleep, or, its intensity being insufficient it must wait until it meets the attention which is set in motion doxycycline immediately before awakening.. Everybody felt that this was everybody's zantac business.. Now for trazodone the dream ideas...

At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His figure and movements were those of a puppet cut out of shingle and jerked by a string; and his address corresponded very well with his appearance.. We'll get out all right.. It would rather seem that as we learn to control our impulses by intellectual activity, we more and more reject as vain the formation or retention of such intense wishes as are natural to childhood.. They were warmly attached to each other, and each was the best friend which the other had in this world.. * * * * * When we reached the boarding-house, Mr.. Slowly the squire pulled closer to the front; the deacon's horse, realizing what it meant to his master and to him, spurted bravely, but, struggle as gamely as he might, the odds were too many for him, and he dropped to the rear.. He keeps repeating to himself, This is the right thing, it is working, my feet are beginning to dissolve and my knees are getting soft.. Yessuh, breakfus', reasserted Babe, coming entirely into the room and looking curiously about him.. In particular, he recalled an occasion when he struck his brother on the head with his boot until he bled, whereupon his mother remarked: I fear he will kill him some day.. He began his short story career by contributing Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking to McClure's Magazine in 1899.. Here the censor had been deceived so successfully that under the mask of an innocent complaint a phantasy was admitted to consciousness which otherwise would have remained in the foreconscious.. For a few half-hearted paces, under the first impulse of horror, he followed his deserting chief, the laughter of the family, the unrestrainable guffaws of the negroes, sounding in the rear.. Evelyn, called her mother from the hall.. Too bad, he went on.. Miss Bangle had sat through all, as we have said, thinking the letters safe, yet vowing vengeance against her confederate for not allowing her to secure them by a satisfactory conflagration; and it was not until she heard her own name whispered through the crowd, that she was awakened to her true situation.. Do you reckon you could? he debated, trotting along by the irresponsive Jilton boy.. Like the other psychic formations of its group, the dream offers itself as a compromise serving simultaneously both systems by fulfilling both wishes in so far as they are compatible with each other.. Here sank his fondest hopes, here ended his ambition.. The weak pipings of Cupid were mingled with the chorus of the saints--the sanctity of the temple known as the meeting-house was desecrated by proceedings more in keeping with the shrine of Venus--and the inspired writings themselves were used as the medium of amatory and wanton flirtation by the defendant in his sacred capacity as Deacon.. Dream symbolism proves also indispensable for understanding the so-called typical dreams and the dreams that repeat themselves...


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