Thursday, March 31, 2005

Experience Bliss

"Lack of positive experience with the product is usually the single greatest factor holding it back from greater and faster acceptance"

Yes, we have to share our experiences and let others practice it as well.

Hmmm... have you tried experiencing BLISS?

A Different Kind of Marketing

The book "Word of Mouth" has given a different kind of approach in marketing.

The common marketing mix does not necessarilly make a sale. Its discovering the Decision Processes which our customers take in purchasing a product and actually taking action into it.

If we can make it easier for them to decide, the faster we will make the sale.

Listen well!

They call themselves professionals, yet the most important character of suppliers should be hearing what their customers want.

How hard is it to listen?

Maybe our previous web designer did... but did they hear us out?

I didnt think so.

It took them a long time in executing our requests and ended up with incomplete execution of what we have explained, two months back. I just wished they have told us earlier before we started the project -- we wouldn't have wasted each others time.

It's a sad thing to terminate agreeements. But you've got to do what you've got to do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Went out with the guys for a night out.

I remember this german guy saying :
"choose between being another fish in the pond from being the big fish in a different pond"

There are a lot of versions of this such as, having a small piece of pie or a larger piece in a different pie.

Its all about dominating a category. And if you can't, create a different and be the first in it!

Bliss is looking forward to be the "sexual lubricant" and not the "answer to dryness" lubricant. The market is different. The latter are for the menopausal people.

We'd rather share this wonderful product to the exciting and adventurous youth!

Grab your own bliss NOW!!!

Are you professional?

We are currently developing a different kind of website, specially customized for the visitors. I can't wait for it to be uploaded.

But I just had this set back. My designer was slow in producing designs for it. And add to that, I was given one sample study after another.

I wasn't even given options to choose from.

We already have discussed this and she explained that the designer was outsourced.

Now I am having doubts if everything in her portfolio are truly her work.

I'm starting to think about changing her. I gave her another chance.