Saturday, February 26, 2005

We don't think alike

I just recently discovered that two people don't think alike. Eventhough you are aware that both of you are reading the same books, idolize the same authors, and patronizes the same philosophies, when it comes to output... its not what you expect.

I should have stucked with my original artist. Where its easier to discus things with him.

I gambled for a different idea, where in I should have stucked myself with the old and original one. Maybe things will get faster if I did..... just maybe.

Well, lessons learned in life. There are a lot of consequences in the decisions you make... and the only thing you could do is make the most out of it.

Shit Happens. not everything in life is Blissful!

The Power of Illusion

I've browsed a book, reading a few pages, and was astonished about how traditonal marketers succombs to the illusion that people buy things in response to their marketing mix.

But what the book says is that these people gather all these materials you have created, thinks about it, and tells it to friends. And after telling it to them that they buy your product.

This is really interesting. The power of increasing sales with lesser expenses.

Hmmmm..... not bad. not bad at all!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Quotable Quotes for the day

"If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulder of giants."

My quote for the day!

Am thankful for being part of this whole Intrapreneur set-up. Where it offers a lot of help; persons on whom we can rely on. And espescially learn from.

But on its infancy stage, you can't help yourself but wander... And compare to the gigantic companies around.

Well, I have accepted it. We still are in the early beginnings. We have to endure.

And in situations like this I alwalys try to remember the saying,

"Real men grabs on to opportunities. But great men make them!"

The Intrapreneurial set-up , i believe, would make you a great man (or woman)!

Introduce Yourself

What strikes me most about this ceratin book is about creating a good "SOUND BITE." Because people does not have time to hear the whole story; a good gist or summary of what you wanted to tell should get their attention.

Its like a one-liner on how you can distinguish yourself from the crowd. It should be short and can be written at the back of your calling card. If not, your idea, whatever you are selling, wouldn't get accross the person you are conversing with.

If ever you accidentally meet me, you'll hear me with this line

" Hi! my name is _____ and I'm a late-bloomer. Now, I'm in the ecstasy of experiencing pleasure while working. Can I introduce you into experiencing BLISS?"

Sounds a bit cheezy, but this is what I have in mind --- as of the moment!