Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Yup! That’s how my plane looked like from the outside. The ride was and and really appreciated Mara for booking me along the aisle…I really hated fighting for the arm rest with someone whom you don’t know. Fortunately for me, I don’t have anybody sitting next to me. I had my social space, appreciating my ride in THAI Airways. I never had the chance of taking pictures of the stewardess, I was just disappointed for having high expectations. Yes, they were all sexy but told enough to be my auntie. It’s a good thing there are a few young ones around 3 of the 10 stewardess inside the plane. I just wished at least one of them was situated near my area…that would have been nice! Anyway, I have nothing against aging stewardess. Its just that plane rides can be translated as adjectives of adventure, excitement, and fun! These words doesn’t match the old ones…well maybe if they give a huge smile more often I wouldn’t have thought of this. I think that’s it, they should at the very least extend a huge smile to their customers…a custom of theirs which I never saw while riding the plane.I am here at Patong Beach at Phuket, Thailand. Searching and starting a journey which I dont have any clue where it would lead me. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sandal Video

The FREE video to be downloaded is very real. She has translated or better personified the exact experience I have felt using the product. A great actress!!!

Even I was fooled by that video...

...wait. I think its real.

Is it?


In business, I thought its all about margins and profit. So, i assumed that offering a promising product and giving great margins is a sure win in closing deals...its not the .

I thought everything was about balancing the equation. You give and you shall receive. But then, as usual, which we never learned from school, someone always have the advantage. And they would really make use of it.... to any extent.

Yup! In SALES, you perspire blood. You rub shoulders with a total stranger. If they ask for more, you work it out. If they go for your leg, give it to them. If they want whats in between... am not sure if i can give that.. but you know what I'm talking about. You'll give them everything until you close the deal.

Some people...and theres a lot of them. Where do they come from?

Well, just as my friend told me, in SALES, you sell almost everything. And every product shouldbe bundled with a good package.

We have a new uploaded and updated website

Its an experiment we have thought of on this new website... where file sharing is FREE.

I was overwhelmed when a friend developer informed me that it was a very good strategy. Internet users before, offer were supplying information. They believe or have a conspiracy that its the end of the that 1st wave of internet.

The 2nd wave is File sharing... the way napster has started it all out.

Well, i just hope that we struck the right cord at the right time!

Check it out! and please do share to me your insights!

New Years Resolution

Yup! Its been a while. Haven't written for a long time.

Well, no excuses. Its just that the past few months were really something... although great, it was very time consuming.

I felt the world on my shoulders... the load you have to bear, doing everything, making everything work. The downside of start-ups... BUT very fruitful in the near future.

You'll hear for me more often... maybe my new years resolution? :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lubing-Up the Swim Team

MOTILITY - limiting the movement of sperm cells, thus, when it does not reach the egg cell, they die.

One major concern of lubricant users, who wanted to conceive children.

Studies show that those people concerned with this are those undergoing infertility investigations. They are those who usually experiences sexual dysfunction, and needs vaginal lubrication.

But the same study also confirms that this would not prevent pregnancy. It does not have spermicidal that totally kills sperms. A strong sperm cell can still reach the egg cell an be unified to give life.

Therefore, its more of the male's sperm cells that really counts. My prescription would be (1) A healthy man with a healthy load can do the trick, (2) Doggystyle position making the distance travelled by his team shorter, and (3) stronger ejaculation for added momentum!!!!

So, make him practice!

Study was conducted on This is a big possibility, but still needs confirmation from studies

Concerned Condom User

Let me share to you an inquiry I have received yesterday:

"I'm a 21-year-old straight male and I've been sexually active with my girlfriend (my first and only partner) for about three years. My question is about condom breakage. We've never had a break. I think. After sex we almost always notice a thick white substance not totally unlike my come. She says it's from her but sometimes I'm concerned about breakage. Also, I get really freaked out whenever my girlfriend suddenly grimaces in pain while we're doing it. She just tells me that she's hurting. I can't seem to remember doing anything different or using anything different when we did it before. I just accidentally saw your blog and hoped that you have answers for this. Please quell my fears and tell me what action to take." CONCERNED ABOUT CONDOMS

In my experience, a broken condom tears quite significantly, sometimes disengaging and lodging in the vagina. (I don't mean to add to your agitation. It is usually very easy to get it out.)

Popular birth controls are condoms, xxxxxxxx and pills. I will just assume that you and your partner are only using condoms.

You have to understand this: women self-lubricate themselves, but every day is not the same for them. Its human biology. "Not getting wet" does not mean that women are not excited with their partner. There are just times women lacks these body fluids. Is your girlfriend taking pills? Pills have side effects... which contributes to vaginal dryness. The hurting would either come from the two reasons.

Its really nice to hear form a guy how concerned he is for his girlfriend. I suggest always bring with you some lubricant. You'll never know when she would be hurting again. At least you're prepared. I would suggest you use a water based lubricant... for this type of lubricant are latex or condom friendly.

Monday, August 29, 2005

St. Thomas Aquinas on DESIRE

"For St. Thomas, following the inspirations of his predecessor St. Augustine, human beings are primarily lovers. We "hit the ground, running," so to speak. To be a human being is to be a being on the move. You don't need to encourage a child to explore, to run endlessly in search of the next fascination. Indeed, a child who is said to lack all curiosity is one who needs some attention; something must be wrong. Like children, we are all first and foremost people of desire. All human actions begin from desire, from the impulse at the very core of our existence to reach..."


That is human nature. We dont have to abstain from exploring our desires! This would entail to personal imbalance. Whenever there is absence or lack of it, we as humans will not be complete. I think this is the very reason why some priests of some religion have wives and concubines.

That is nature. A natural law that we can't fight against. Its like trying to stay still in the midst of a hurricane... you will never win!

Lubricant 101

A lot of people are not aware that there are different kinds of lubricants. Let me share to you my expertise on the matter. Lubricants are differentiated by its base component. They are

SILICONE BASED lubricants contain various blends of silicone fluids. They are completely water-proof,making them ideal for underwater use; pools and hot tubs for example. Silicone-based lubes also retain their lubricating properties far better and much longer than water-based lubricants. Most silicone-based lubes are highly concentrated, so a little goes quite a long way. Silicone-based lubes can damage sexual toys that are made from from silicone polymers.

PETROLEUM BASED lubricants are made from petroleum jelly, mineral oil or straight petrolatum. Petroleum-based lubes destroy latex - practically on contact - and should therefore should never be used with latex condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps. These can also stain fabric and can be quite difficult difficult to remove from anything they come in contact with. These lubes also tend to irritate the vagina , and are therefore not really the best options for women that want to experience enjoyable vaginal penetration. Petroleum-based lubes are best left strictly for male masturbation and anal play.

OIL BASED lubricants typically contain natural products; vegetable oils, nut oils and/or butters. Oil-based lubes can also stain fabrics and be quite difficult to wash off. They are typically safe for use within the vagina, but oil-based lubes are destructive to latex. So, like petroleum-based lubricants, oil-based lubricants should never be used with latex condoms, diaphragms or cervical caps. Oil-based lubricants should also be confined to anal sex or male/female masturbation.

WATER BASED lubricants typically contain deionized water, glycerin, propylene glycol and other nontoxic preservatives. ste slightly sweet, and is therefore easily recognizable. Water-based lubricants usually do not stain, are safe for use with latex and all other barrier birth control methods, and rarely cause irritation. While most water-based lubes eventually dry out during extended sex, they are often quickly revived with a bit of water. Because of their versatility and effectiveness, water-based lubes are the form of lube recommended most often by doctors and sex therapists.

Choose whats best for your occasion!!!

I would recommend a water-based lubricant for the first timers. Try Bliss Personal Lubricant. It's BFAD approved, water-based, and even edible!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Science gives eight reasons for daily sex!

Sex has always been different for me. Different in the way it eases my tensions, cures my anxieties and alleviate me from the hassles of life. It’s my drug, my medicine.

I would have really wanted to share to you every minute detail why having sex is great. But I came across to this article, brilliantly rationalized.

Science gives eight reasons for daily romps!

1. The body you want
When you cut your finger, does Ragú ooze out? Does the idea of exercising induce suicidal hollandaise binges? We can think of one way to have a blast and get in shape simultaneously. "Sex is a vigorous form of exercise," says Dr. Michael Cirigliano of the University of Pennsylvania. "The physiological changes in your body are consistent with a normal workout. Your heart and respiratory rates rise, and you burn calories." How many? Having sex three times a week for 20 minutes a pop for a year will burn some 7,500 calories (that’s the equivalent of a 4 1/2 pound wheel of brie). If you did it every day, you could shave off a pound of lard in two weeks. Of course, the more athletic the sex, the better the workout. See you in the emergency room

2. In the mood
Ever lie back after a good screw and think, Damn, the world’s a pit of misery. Why not end it all? Of course not. That’s because sex is an antidepressant. During the act your body’s producing pleasure-inducing fluids besides the ones that shoot out of your body. "You’re releasing endogenous opioids. They’re like drugs, but they’re manufactured internally," says Dr. Alice Ladas, a psychologist and one of the authors of The G Spot. In fact, studies show that merely touching someone can raise the level of serotonin in his brain, which is similar to what Prozac does.

3. Hurt so good
So she’s got a headache, huh? Arthritis? A fresh chain-saw wound? No excuse: Thanks to the endorphins released during sex, a rowdy belly dance can actually ease her suffering. "Pain threshold in women is elevated 60 to 80 percent during pleasurable stimulation," explains Dr. Beverly Whipple, a professor of neuroscience and president of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. In one recent study, Gina Ogden, author of Women Who Love Sex, experimented by attaching a clamp to a woman’s finger and squeezing, first while she was at rest and later while she was getting some. As her subject climaxed, Ogden pinched past the point at which the woman routinely howled, with no response at all. "In the midst of orgasm," Ogden noted, "she apparently feels no pain."

4. Daily injections
Want to help ease those nasty PMS symptoms? Studies show that a woman’s overall reproductive system benefits from frequent penile insertions. "Sexual activity helps strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles), which in turn help keep the pelvic organs in shape and where they belong," explains Dr. Ladas. Regular love sessions can also postpone the onset of menopause, stimulate fertility, and regulate the menstrual cycle.

5. Old Faithful
Fun fact: 52 percent of all men between the ages of 40 and 70 have trouble getting wood. But having more sex can better your chances. Frequent erections keep blood flowing through your capillaries, so the flesh in your bone stays nourished. And more important, an erection is an athletic reflex. "The more you train the coordination between nerve and muscle, the easier it is to perform," says Dr. Andre Guay, head of the sexual function center at the Lahey Clinic in Peabody, Massachusetts.

6. The gland of milk and honey
Yeah, the prostate’s a funny little gland. Not only is it a key component in your pleasure machine (and a male G spot, if you know how to find it), it tends to swell as we get older, causing agony for lots of guys. To keep it from bugging you, take saw palmetto (an over-the-counter herb supplement that relieves symptoms of prostate enlargement ), and keep ejaculating. "Most of the fluid you ejaculate comes from the prostate and the seminal vescles," says Dr. Guay. "When someone stops having orgasms, the fluids back up and the glands can become swollen." When prostatic congestion occurs, the gland squeezes your urinary tract; pain shoots through your guts and you have a hard time taking a leak. Talk about a spent fuel rod.

7. Chemical attraction
Bet you didn’t know that testosterone is responsible for sex drive in women as well as men. Yup, a lady with no testosterone will be drier than an AA meeting. Plus, testosterone is a steroid that regulates the body’s metabolism, letting it use energy efficiently. And the more sex you have, the more testosterone you’re producing. "A consquence is that your body is able to stimulate tissue replacement and bone growth, which, among other things, helps prevent osteoporosis," says Dr. Susan Rako, author of The Hormone of Desire. "Higher levels of testosterone can also promote an overall feeling of well-being."

8. Long time comin’
Want to live longer? Try adding a little spice to your diet. In 1997 an inquisitive British doctor published a study that followed 918 men between the ages of 45 and 59 for 10 long years to determine how sexual activity affected their life spans. Here’s what he found: Men who had two or more orgasms every week were half as likely to croak as those who averaged fewer than one orgasm a month. And, hey, guys never lie about this kind of stuff, so we’re sure the data’s right on the money.”

Now all you need is your partner. Hope I won’t see you in an emergency room!

The Love Store

A new partnership has taken place again. Bliss is now offered at The Love Store located at Conchu corner Pablo Ocampo (former Vito Cruz) streets. You can visit them virtually at

Inquire thru the site and have their products delivered right at your doorstep. Be not afraid, for they will not conceal the product you’ve purchased. They would even spare the time to wrap them in a very discreet packaging.

With this new partnership, you can grab your own Bliss wherever you are.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Information is key!

It’s imperative to know your customers. Know what they want and give it to them. But we never really have thought of educating our prospective customers is key to making the business mature and eventually succeed.

The challenge that small entrepreneurs put up with is finding all the avenues of making a sale with minimal cost or if possible nothing at all.

One of the setbacks we have experienced is making the inquisitive people purchase your product. Bliss personal lubricant is not that distributed well (those conservative people are giving us a hard time) but we realize that we are not maximizing what we’ve got.

On places that Bliss is available, people are inquiring the products purpose and use - a strong indication of a possible sale. We found out that the stores’ crew were not well-informed (or not at all) about Bliss.

So this month, we targeted to educate them again. Visiting all the outlets, instructing and informing them how Bliss personal lubricant can change their perspective in having wonderful sex-perience.

I left every store with huge smile. The way they giggle with agreement on how to use Bliss. It was never really that clear to them that such a product could entice a couples relationship and make it even more exciting.

I am looking forward to those new consumers to say “Damn! Bliss surely holds up to her name… Bliss is experiencing total pleasure!”

The Pleasure Place

The Pleasure Place is located in Metro Walk Ortigas. This new shop has a wide range of women’s accessories. From products that you could flaunt with, like bracelets and sandals that are very hard to find, to discrete products such as dildos and vibrators.

The owners are very accomodating with their customers. I would say that they are also one of the baby boomers trying to share the best things a woman could expereince.

Visit their place and try their products. The shop is open from 1pm until 1am. You wont be disappointed with their offer.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Prevent Unwantd Pregnancies

I was browsing old issues of Time Magazine and encountered these data

30% of Filipino couples unaware that babies result from having sex, according to a study by the Philippine government.
2.35% Net population growth in the Philippines, among the highest in the world, with 4,000 babies born every day. Source: Time Magazine (3/14/05)

Population control is a must. But the solution offered from foreign countries is not greatly accepted. Stores offering contraceptives are being banned for closure. How do these people would solve the problem at hand? Even sex education is prevented as part of the schools curriculum.

You can’t take away sex from people. It’s homo-sapiens nature to fornicate. I say, use a contraceptive if you must! Exult yourself for Bliss… won’t take the pleasure away from you even while wearing a condom.

This could be the very least thing we could contribute in managing the country’s population.