Monday, January 31, 2005


One of the things I would really love to experience is fishing. And I didn't expect that there's a lot of preparation for this, besides your usual gear and rod.

Fishing is not just planting your bait into the water... and then waiting for the fish to take a bite. If your lucky, you'll get one. But I'm pretty sure not the one you expected.

Iwas informed to spend time in researching about fishes. What kind of fish would i like to be my trophy. And then eliminating what body of water they live in [fresh or slat water]. And then more digging if which bodies of water are they available...

Yup ther's a lot to eliminate. But this would make your venture, even if its my first venture, more fruitful.

Coem to think of it, its the same process with my work. Well, you won't get wrong with this. Now you can GO FISH!

Who's your target market?

"Who is your target market?" this question is kind of a silly for me, but it is important in defining your bread and butter; the life of your business. I find it silly because most people have the habit of answering this using their checklist on demographics.

I have nothing against demographics, but I feel its not a big help for managers. Yes it does identify them, but what I believe that is more important is WHERE can we locate them! Yes, where can you find this defined individuals or what we call "target market?"

Instead of looking for yuppies in the A and B classes, why don't you look for credit card holders? They have the capacity to buy with at least 10k a month of salary. Makes sense, NO!?

It would be a lot easier to identify your customers, when you

"identify with them..which means understanding why people do what they do." --- Sergio Zyman

Know how they think and act. And you'll only learn this when you're a people person. You don't have to be the life of the party. All you need is the skills to listen and hear what they really wanted to say... then they'll lead you where and why they buy your product. Now, thats where your market is!

Saturday, January 29, 2005


"Know your advantage and make use of it. Identify your weaknesses, and then strengthen it ...thru partners!"

Partnership is like extending help. Its an asset. Yes! It should benefit the company, but it should benefit them too! But what can I offer them more than just better margins?

We are already aware that Money is an Object! Vital in the business. But sustaining the alliance formed, there should be a different kind of relationship involved. Espescially, with the intimate nature that BLISS have, the relationship should be a personal one -- a friendly one, at the least.

I was amazed on how doing business is a lot easier with this kind of relationship. Even with your other prospects, they would help you out! I'm flattered to be called as her "baby sibling" and have a great laugh with my friends saying that "she can be my girlfriend!"

Do Your Numbers

I hated the way one of our retailers asked me to contact her ASAP. Of course there is a great news, at first, but I already knew that she has another agenda in mind. What was she asking for? She wont say, but she was telling a lot of things!

Expenses of 10% delivery, 10%tax, 5% for the hosting site, and 6% for the credit charge. She was losing 2 bucks on the item she sold -which is totally bull. And then that we were the ones riding with her promotions all along. She was telling me all about her expense. Indirectly she was blaming it on our low margins...

Of course, the good side of mine tells her that I would make another computation on how to help her, it with my partner, and think of other ways to help her out. ..

...I did my numbers and she's on the better end. Then I've learned that more are buying the product we have endorsed to her. With an average of 2months per box, She has ordered 2box for this month! what an asshole! We've been doing business for more than six months now. And now you're telling me [indirectly]you're losing? We have reached upon this agreement and explained why the margins are that way compared to the 700% margins of her other products. She's so greedy! I don't know what got into her. Shes a total bitch! a weirdo. What does she think of me, stupid?

She surely wanted to play hardball. This is the same reason why I wanted to shove BLISS up her ass! what a slut! I know she'll very much enjoy that!