Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I like it too!

I received this message from my mobile phone earlier.

“Where can I buy Bliss Personal Lubricant? My husband and I used it when we check in a hotel, we like it.” --+639217232****

Yes! Another success in making them try BLISS.

Well, for your information, BLISS is currently available in Metro Manila for a while… 8 selected TOTAL gas convenience stores… 6 novelty/sex shops around the area… and yes, at 6 motels/hotels in Pasig area.

I know you have lots of suggested stores for BLISS. But those which you have in mind, I’m pretty sure that I have presented the product to them. I concur, and some say, that these are the people afraid to try out new things and explore.

Comments mentioned above, fattens my heart. Soon, people shall be asking for this product. Only time will tell.

Change is Inevitable

"Uncertainty is the only thing to be sure of"

"If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less"

The first two quotes of Tom Peters' book Re-Imagine!.

These two quotes struck me. And was further given explanation as I read the book. It make clear to me on how the world is changing... eg. the way war was fought; where a unit of 5 or ten men can inflict the same damage by a thousand.

Halfway reading the book, I am truly amazed on how he sees things in a different perspective. How he compares, or contrast, the previous ("was") from the present ("is") at the end of each chapter.

Yes! I'm only halfway form finishing this book. But I'm learning a lot... a history about changes... on something new...today.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Why say Safer Sex?

"We say safer sex rather than safe sex because sex can't be guaranteed 100% safe. The best way to have safe sex is to be in a monogamous relationship (only one partner) where neither of you has sex outside that relationship and where you are both free of any STIs. Some people say the only form of safer sex is to abstain totally (not have sex at all) but most people would see this as being unrealistic." ----- www.cyh.com

I wrote this to inform the uninformed:

Unsafe sex "may or would" lead to transfer of infections and unwanted pregnancy.

Better practice safer sex! .... you'd say it's not as good with a condom!? Remember what BLISS Personal Lubricant can do for you.

Unless you're ready to be a daddy/mommy, better say "No sex without it (condom)!"

Shag Bag!!!

Some of my male friends were discussing a few days back about getting laid. We agreed that men and women think alike. At times, both need to free themselves from their sexual drives. Would you agree?

I have created a scene in my mind where men and women would flaunt their desire to make out. If men could easily identify women with urges, they woould have avoided the instance of getting slapped.

Then I remembered the "Shag Bag" http://www.brandchannel.com/careers_profile.asp?cr_id=54

Yup! a small purse whose contents are 4 condoms, lubricants, gel and breath mints.

Put in a bottle of BLISS Personal Lubricant, I say. Add a little massage oil to make your night a lot more interesting.

Flaunt it around, wherever you would be girls. And I tell you, if the guy knows whats inside, you'll have a good lay tonight!

...And, what a wonderful night that would be... for both!

heheheh... condom, lubricant, breath mints, and maybe a sensual liquid soap as foreplay

Hmmm... not far out. it may come true

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Definition of Terms

bliss (bls)
1. extreme happines; ecstasy 2. the ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy

n. a state of extreme happiness [syn: cloud nine, seventh heaven, walking on air]

Hmmmm... when was I ever in ecstasy? What does usually bring me in a state of extreme happines? have I really been in cloud nine?

Come to think of it... and I won't be ashamed of it... only during and while doing SEX!!!!

Yup! Sex is the best thing. Even doctors would prescribe you to orgasm just to relieve you from stress. But whoever told you to get stressed-out before indulging into such an activity?

We're already way ahead from the Age of Innocence. Sex is not really taboo any longer!


Superbly written by Seth Godin. A must read book for those who wanted create a "Free Prize" for their product.

"The free prize is the element that transcends the utility of the original idea and adds a special, unique element worth pating extra for, worth commenting on." --- Seth Godin

What truly inspires me about this book is that it helped me understand what edge do I have from my competitors. We all know that lubricants are merely used to relieve dryness.

But lo, BLISS Personal Lubricant has its edge/s. Its a sensual product. Silky and mimics bodily fluids, does not smell, and of course EDIBLE. Yup! Its safe that you can eat it. Mind you, this lubricant has passed the standards of your local Food and Drug Associations. It's hypoallergenic and ph balanced.

But what makes this product a cut above the rest, is that Bliss addresses the overlooked senses. Most people doing sexual deeds are deprived from experiencing total sensation. This barrier is the condom. With Bliss, its closer to the real thing! You'll FEEL NO CONDOM!

Sex should be what is ought to be... blissful!!!